It's GAMEDAY! Mustang Country -- Let's RIDE! 🐎
🏈 Jackson-Olin Mustangs vs. Homewood
🏟️ P.D. Jackson-Olin High School
🕕 Pre-game show 6 p.m. / Kickoff 7 p.m.
📺 https://vimeo.com/event/4585926
🎟️ https://gofan.co/event/1616697?schoolId=AL1171

Parents, the Scholarships page on the BCS website has been updated. Several opportunities have deadlines at the end of the month, so go to https://www.bhamcityschools.org/scholarships to see what your scholar qualifies for! #SuccessStartsHere

The Community Teen Summit is this Saturday at City Walk! The event includes a live art contest where students can win $100 for creating art expressing the theme of mental health. #SuccessStartsHere

Today, the College Football Playoff Foundation and the Birmingham Bowl surprised Jackson-Olin’s Dr. Sarah Moland, BCS Secondary Teacher of the Year and Finalist for Alabama Teacher of the Year, with the Extra Yard for Teachers Award! https://youtu.be/jcVEdCqjDmI #SuccessStartsHere #BigDayforTeachers #ExtraYardWeek

Page Pals volunteers give our students more opportunities to read outside of the normal classroom setting, which helps them improve their reading skills. Consider donating your time -- sign up at https://bhamyouthfirst.org/pagepals

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! We are proud to celebrate cultural diversity throughout our district.

The Jackson-Olin Mustangs host Homewood in the BCS Under the Lights Game of the Week this Thursday! Watch the game LIVE on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/D55wQMSQ32wpxQC3/ #SuccessStartsHere #highschoolfootball #birmingham #Alabama
![BCS Under the Lights Thursday Night Game of the Week Sept. 19 @ P.D. Jackson-Olin Stadium -- Jackson-Olin vs. Homewood [preshow starts at 6 p.m. / kickoff at 7 p.m.]](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/birmingham_city_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/10045238/large_social_jo.png)

According to the Baltimore Education Research Consortium, students who miss fewer than two days in September continue to average fewer than two days absent per month for the remainder of the school year! #AttendanceAwarenessMonth #SuccessStartsHere

Join us at Wenonah High School on Monday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m. to learn about our roadmap for the next five years -- the BCS Strategic Plan. Boxed dinners will be available for first 50 attendees! #SuccessStartsHere

Our scholars at West End Academy have an appetite for reading! This week, the library held a "book tasting" to drive excitement around reading and to encourage students to check out books.

Today, members of the National Governors Association visited Charles A. Brown Elementary to learn about the school's impressive turnaround and to teach students about their home states. #SuccessStartsHere

Ranked second in 6A in the state, the A.H. Parker Thundering Herd face area foe Mortimer Jordan in our Thursday Night Game of the Week! Watch the game live on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/fG4CUrPsTtwT8cFL #SuccessStartsHere #highschoolfootball #birmingham #Alabama

First home game of the season. Area game. Revenge game. Whatever the motivation, the Rams made big plays on offense and defense to secure the win last night over area rival John Carroll Catholic. NAWF! #successstartshere

FINAL SCORE: G. W. Carver 26, John Carroll Catholic 7. Rams rough up the Cavaliers for a big area win! #successstartshere

We all know Parker is #1 right now. How did the rest of the BCS Coaches Poll shake out? Find out tonight during our pre-game show starting at 6 p.m. https://www.facebook.com/events/1225618178770259/ #successstartshere

Our BCS Media team heads NAWF tomorrow for Carver vs. John Carroll Catholic in the BCS Under the Lights Game of the Week! 🐏
Pre-game show starts at 6 p.m. with kickoff at 7. Watch LIVE on Facebook! ⬇️

Reminder: all BCS athletic events are subject to our clear bag policy, which also covers prohibited items.
Prohibited items that are discovered during security inspections must either be returned to the owner’s vehicle or discarded. No item will be left at the gate. All other items that enter the stadium are subject to visual search.
View the full policy at https://5il.co/2vp2w

Are you a student who likes to express artistically through music, theater, dance, and/or other visual art forms, including drawing, digital art, painting, or 3D sculpture?
Create a piece of art reflecting what Hispanic Culture means to you. If selected, your work will be displayed at the BMA as part of the celebration for HHM.
All students, regardless of their artistic background or experience, are encouraged to submit their work. Your unique perspective is what makes our community vibrant.
Don’t miss the chance to showcase your talent! Submit your work by the deadline, October 1, 2024 at https://forms.gle/QDy4e6wqRTT5XGQi6 #SuccessStartsHere

Jefferson State Community College, in partnership with the Hispanic Coalition of Alabama, Alabama Power, and various utilities, is offering a line worker program for Hispanic/Latino students. The 10 week program begins April 2025 but the deadline to apply is September 14. Start the application process at https://www.jeffersonstate.edu/LINEWORKER/

Join us at City Walk on Sept. 21 for the Community Teen Summit, an arts and mental wellness expo focused on suicide prevention. There will be food trucks, yoga, hands-on art, giveaways, games, and more!