Business & Finance

If your goal is to become a business leader, a captain of industry, or a financial wizard, the Academy
of Business and Finance, (AOBF) is the place for you. This is the starting point for entrepreneurs,
corporate executives, and managers, the place that grows the people who grow our economy.
Here, you have the option of participating in either of two tracks, one focused on basic business
management and the other focused on finance. Here you will be introduced to the key basics that
prepare you for a long and fruitful career in businesses of all types.
The Academy of Business & Finance is where you want to be if you dream about being a part of any
one of these industries as well as many, many others:

FRESHMEN in the AOBF start with a class in Business Technology Applications that helps give you
the tools you need to succeed in the following three years.
In your SOPHOMORE year, you’re introduced to Multimedia Design, where you begin to learn how
business communicates. Or if finance is where you want to focus, you are introduced to the basics
of accounting.
In your JUNIOR year, the material becomes more complex as you begin to frame what you learned
your sophomore year in terms of Multimedia Publications or advanced accounting, depending on
whether you are on the Business Management track or the Accounting track. During the summer,
after you’ve completed this year, you participate in an Academy Internship where you begin to
apply what you’ve learned in a real-world business setting.
In your SENIOR year, you are introduced to a whole new set of tools with Advanced Business
Technology Applications. If you’re on the Accounting track, Entrepreneurship introduces you to the
world of small business – how these businesses are started and what it takes to make them grow.
When you graduate from the AOBF, you have the tools you need either to move straight into the
business community, or to pursue your career further by attending college.