Health Science

If you like helping people, if you enjoy the satisfaction of seeing people go from feeling bad to feeling
better, if you dream of working with medical technology or helping people, then attending the Academy
of Health Sciences (AOHS) may be the ideal place for you. There is no better place to learn the basics
that will help you develop a career in this amazingly fast-growing industry.
Here’s a list of just a few of the many careers the Academy of Health Science prepares you to pursue:

FRESHMEN Biology gets you started and will be an important part of your ninth-grade year.
In your SOPHOMORE year, you’ll take what you learned in Biology and expand on it with Human
Anatomy and Physiology. This year you also begin to learn the basics of health science with
Foundations of Health Science.
By your JUNIOR year, you’ll be ready for Chemistry. You will also have a class in Therapeutic
Services, which begins to introduce you to what therapists of all sorts do for a living.
SENIORS in the AOHS are introduced to Genetics, a field that will become very important in
21st-century healthcare. As a Senior, you will also take what you’ve learned and apply it in a
Health Service Internship where you get to enjoy working alongside health services professionals
in a real-world setting.