Selection Criteria
Students will complete an application packet to run for vice-president in each homeroom from grades 3rd – 8th. The SGA president will be elected from the 8th grade. Students wishing to contest for any of the offices must complete an application. There is a $5 Application fee for VP and $15 fee for Presidential candidates (Pay in the main office). All fees are Non-Refundable. Return application form and receipt to Mr. Edwards. Interested candidates will also submit the names of two teachers at Phillips Academy that can recommend them for the SGA Position. If the student is new to JHPA, the student will indicate as such on the form, and that portion will be waived.
Download the 2019-2020 JHPA SGA Application Form
In addition, once elected students have one month to purchase a JHPA Blazer or polo shirt. All official JHPA SGA ceremony/events will be conducted in our JHPA Blazer or polo shirt. JHPA Blazers, including the bow tie is $75.
Removal from Office Process
Serving in the SGA is a privilege. Students who violate any school rules could be removed instantly from their position. If removed, a new official will be appointed in his/her place. No refunds of any kind will be issued for any items purchased as part of the SGA participation. The principal makes all final decisions regarding student eligibility, participation, or removal from the SGA.
TBD for 2019-2020
Meeting Protocols
Meetings are scheduled every two weeks or as needed. Meetings typically occur in the auditorium or conference room, during school hours.