Beta Club
Division 1 - Elementary
Junior Beta (grades 4-8)
Believing that exemplary student effort and achievement should be encouraged and rewarded, and seeking to cultivate the ideals of service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow, the governing body of the National Honorary Beta Club has instituted this organization for the promotion of these ideals and those stated in the Beta Creed, among elementary and secondary school students.
New members are responsible for paying induction fees as well as membership fees- the total cost is 65.00 (students will receive the official induction certificate, Beta Club pin, and membership card- the 25.00 membership fee for new members is also included in this fee)
There will be a 15.00 fee for students who have already been inducted in the Beta Club (this is a yearly fee for all students)
Field Trips (dates are subject to change, also these are estimated prices)
March- Beta Club Convention (25.00)
May- Red Mountain zipline (45.00) (T)
15 November- Beta Club Induction for new members
December- ACME Movie Theater (12.00- price includes movie and snack pack) (T)
Please email Ms. Latrica Dillard for more information on the Beta Club.
Selection Requirements
Requirements of student membership are solely qualitative within the scope and regulations specified in these Bylaws. A student must be a member in good standing of a Beta Club at his/her current school of attendance to be considered an active National Beta Club member. Only active members may participate in state and national competitions and become candidates for and hold state and national office. Membership is a privilege and not a right. The qualifications for membership on the part of the student shall be: (a) worthy, moral and ethical character; (b) exemplary achievement, and commendable attitude. The standards and means for appraising these qualities shall be determined by the administration of the school where the chapter is located. Since the purpose of the organization is to select, honor, and encourage students possessing these characteristics, it shall be within the province of the administration of each school to set up such local standards of membership as shall best serve to bring together in the chapter students who merit distinction because of these qualifications. All students must be performing at or above grade level in order to be eligible for membership. Local school administrations are at liberty to limit membership to certain grades. Specific academic requirements for membership are not established at the national level, as local systems of grading and merit determination vary. Each local school and club shall establish such academic requirements for membership that will insure the selection of students of exemplary qualifications.
Events Pictures