My deep passion in K-12 schools stems from my experience starting as a 9th grade Alabama History teacher in an urban school in which the culture was extremely toxic (Lean On Me toxic). I can remember being so young that some of the teachers thought I was a student. Those very first days of class would be the start of my life as an educator who indeed loved children and loved, just as much, to see them learn.
My first class of students was a rough bunch, but I developed an orderly environment, and we learned everything about Alabama from rivers to people to important places and events. As a young teacher, I had to develop my teacher-tude: defined as a maintaining a very serious attitude, even when children did things that were funny. I would sometime go into the teacher lounge and laugh at myself and the students, because my personality didn't lend itself to a stern person, naturally, so I had to act that way until it became natural. I developed my teacher-tude, and everyone knew I meant business.
I became a leader in my school early on, and with continuous change in leadership, the culture of my school began to change for the better. Along with teaching students, I became the SGA sponsor, Bible Club sponsor, SACS facilitator, School Improvement Leader, AP lead teacher, and English Department Chair. Out of all these accomplishments as a teacher leader, I am most proud of who my students are today. I see them working in hospitals, matriculating through colleges and universities, and some are even teachers themselves.
My educational journey led me to impact education on the side of administration, and I received a degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Alabama. I am currently the Principal of Wylam Elementary School. My experience at Wylam Elementary School has developed a passion in me to see teachers grow and impact instruction, and students reach their highest potential.
Meet Our Principal