Reading Incentive Programs

Reading Incentive Programs at Robinson Elementary School
Accelerated Reader
The Accelerated Reader Program is a computer based reading program. Students read a book and then take a computer test of five or ten questions. The results consider the reading level of the book and the number of questions answered correctly, and also help identify skill areas where the student needs work. Books in the library are labeled for convenient selection of appropriate materials, with searches by reading level through our Destiny Library Catalog.
Book It!
This national reading incentive program was established to motivate children from grades k-6 to read more. This long running successful program allows teachers to set goals for each student that complement the reading curriculum and student's reading skills. The program provides teachers with tips, tools, and free reading award certificates to keep reading motivation high. Sponsored by Pizza Hut, students who meet their monthly reading goals receive a certificate for a free personal pan pizza each month beginning in October.
Six Flags Read To Succeed Program
This program is for students in grades k-6,and runs from January to March. The goal is to encourage children to read for fun and to develop a lifelong appreciation for reading. Students who read at least 6 hours will receive a one day pass to Six Flags.