Career Tech

CTE Non-Discrimination Statement
The P.D. Jackson Olin High School Career and Technical Education Department is one of the largest in the district, offering the following:
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources-Horticulture
Architecture and Construction-HVACR
Business Management and Administration-Business Administration
Government and Public Administration-JROTC
Health Science-Patient Care Technician
Hospitality and Tourism- Culinary Arts
Human Services-Fashion, Cosmetology
Transportation Distribution & Logistics- Automotive Engine Performance
Our Career Technical Education Mission is to provide students with opportunities to explore aptitudes and interests, to make better career choices/decisions/and empower students to develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed for a smooth transition from school:
The Workplace
Post-Secondary Education
Technology Occupations
Productive Citizenship
Our programs are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, which mirrors the workplace. Career Technical Education teachers/instructors integrate both academic equipment, which mirrors the workplace. Career Technical Education instructors/teachers integrate both academic and technical education while instilling workplace ethics. Each technical career education program has a Craft Advisory Committee to ensure that curriculum, content, program equipment, and materials are in keeping with current business practices. State/National Certification standards are utilized, all programs and teachers are Industry Certified.